A Unit of the University System of Georgia
Adopted by: Faculty Senate August 6, 2012; President’s Cabinet August 6, 2012; President August 6, 2012
Adopted by President’s Cabinet July 31, 2013; Faculty Senate August 9, 2013; President
August 9, 2013
Adopted by President’s Cabinet July 28, 2015; Faculty Senate, President September
18, 2015
Amendments: Revise general position titles and unit names
Adopted by President’s Cabinet November 24, 2015; Faculty Senate September 18, 2015
President November 24, 2015
Amendments: Standing Committee revision – Critical Thinking
Adopted by President’s Cabinet November 24, 2015; Faculty Senate December 11, 2015;
President December 14, 2015
Amendments: Standing Committee revisions – Calendar Committee, Student Fee Committee
Adopted by President’s Cabinet January 28, 2016; Faculty Senate December 11, 2015;
President January 28, 2016
Amendments: Standing Committee revisions – IT
Adopted by President’s Cabinet February 23, 2016; Faculty Senate March 11, 2016;
President March 15, 2016
Amendment: Add New Standing Committee – Service Seal of Distinction
Adopted by President’s Cabinet December 12, 2015; Faculty Senate April 8, 2016;
President April 20, 2016
Amendment: Standing Committee revision – AAMI
Adopted by President’s Cabinet December 20, 2016; Faculty Senate December 12, 2016;
President December 20, 2016
Amendments to Standing Committees
2017 Amendments Adopted by President’s Cabinet June 27, 2017; Faculty Senate August
4, 2017
Approved by President August 11, 2017
New Committees: Move On When Ready, First Year Experience Committee, Athletic Academic Integrity
Oversight Committee
Revisions: Animal Use and Care Committee, Auxiliary Services Committee, Critical Thinking Committee,
Military Friendly Campus Committee, Student Loan Default Rate Committee, Title IX
Implementation and Oversight Committee, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention
Committee; IT Committee
Dissolution: Student Employment Review Committee
Amendments to Standing Committees
2018 Amendments adopted by: President’s Cabinet January 31, 2018; Faculty Senate February
9, 2018;
Faculty Senate March 9, 2018; President’s Cabinet March 27, 2018;
Faculty Senate May 11, 2018; President’s Cabinet May 22, 2018;
Approved by President May 22, 2018
New Committees: Academic Integrity Oversight Committee f/k/a Athletic Academic Integrity Committee;
Camp Review Committee, Campus Completion and Student Success Committee f/k/a Satisfactory
Academic Progress Committee, Section 508 Compliance Committee
Revisions: Emergency Response Committee, Clery Coordinating Committee n/k/a Campus Annual Security
Report Committee, Correll Scholars Committee, Critical Thinking Committee, External
Site Committee, First Class, First Year Experience Committee, Housing Committee, Institutional
Effectiveness Committee, Institutional Review Board, Judicial Committee, Move on When
Ready Committee, Scholarship Committee, Student Affairs Committee, Study Abroad Committee,
Title IX Committee, Vision Series Committee, Wellness Committee
Merged: Enterprise Risk Management Committee merged with Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Amendments to Standing Committees
8/2/18 Edits: Add Library Committee as Standing Committee of President’s Cabinet, as approved in
2013; Emergency Response Committee delete duplicate text; Housing Committee add ad
hoc committee members as approved in 2017; add Commencement Committee approved by
Faculty Senate 7/6/18 and President’s Cabinet 6/26/18; revisions to various position
titles; revision to name of School, as approved in 2015.
Revisions: AAMI Committee, Academic and Financial Aid Appeals Committee, Alcohol, Drug Abuse
and Violence Prevention Committee, Art on Campus Committee, Background Investigation
Committee-Student, Behavioral Recommendation Team, Calendar Committee, Camp Review
Committee n/k/a Campus Events Review Committee, College Completion and Student Success
Committee, Conflict Resolution Committee, Correll Scholars Committee, Critical Thinking
Committee, Dual Enrollment Committee f/k/a Move On When Ready Committee, Emergency
Response Committee, External Relations Committee, First Class First Year Experience
Committee, Grievance Committee, IT Committee, Institutional Effectiveness Committee,
Institutional Review Board, Judicial Committee, Scholarship Committee, Service Seal
of Distinction, Student Fee Committee, Student Loan Default Rate Committee, Sustainability
Committee, Title IX Implementation and Oversight Committee, Vision Series Committee,
Wellness Committee
Deleted Committees: Promotion and Tenure Review Committee
New Committees: Convocation Committee, Distance Education and eLearning Committee
2019 Amendments: Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10/23/18; Faculty Senate 11/7/18: Prior Learning Assessment Committee (new); Revisions to committee membership and position titles. Amendments Adopted by President’s Cabinet 1/22/19; Faculty Senate 1/31/19: Housing Committee (revision), External Site Committee (revision). Amendments Adopted by President’s Cabinet 4/23/19; Faculty Senate 5/2/19: Professional Development Committee (new); delete Critical Thinking Committee; Institutional Effectiveness Committee (revisions) ; change in position titles
2020 Amendments: Adopted by President’s Cabinet 1/22/20; Adopted by Faculty Senate 1/23/20
Institutional Effectiveness Committee: revision to committee membership/chair; Emergency
Response Committee: revision to committee membership; revision to President’s Cabinet
membership; AAMI Committee: revision to committee membership/chair; revision to position
titles; revision to Section IVB; revision to Section VIE. 2/20/20 Administrative Edits:
add to Faculty Senate committee list: Promotion and Tenure Policy Review Committee,
Post-Tenure Review Board; revise President’s Cabinet membership.
Amendments Adopted by President’s Cabinet 9/29/20; Adopted by Faculty Senate: 9/29/20; Adopted by President 10/5/20: Standing Committee revisions to membership and member position titles; add link to new Promotion and Tenure Policy; Add Culture of Respect Task Force as a Standing Committee of the President. Amendments Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10/14/20; Faculty Senate 10/8/20; APCC 9/18/20: Add Student of the Month Committee
2021 Amendments: Deactivated committees: Art on Campus, Athletics Committee, Auxiliary Enterprise Committee, External Relations Committee, IT Committee, Service Excellence Committee, Service Seal of Distinction, Sustainability Committee, Conflict Resolution Committee, Culture of Respect Committee; Merge Committees: Campus Events Review Committee with Commencement Committee, Convocation Committee and Vision Serves Committee; Committees Move to Ad Hoc are noted herein. Adopted by Faculty Senate 9/15/21; Adopted by President’s Cabinet September 16, 2021
2022 Amendments: Revision to position titles unit and degree program names, and revision to standing committees; deleted Student of the Month Committee.
Adopted by President’s Cabinet September 12, 2022; Adopted by Faculty Senate September 2, 2022
2023 Amendments: Revisions of Section H. Academic Freedom.
Adopted by President’s Cabinet September 6, 2023; Adopted by Faculty Senate August 25, 2023
2024 Amendments: President’s Cabinet, August 20, 2024; Faculty Senate, September 6, 2024; President, October 24, 2024
Table of Contents
Section A. Nature of the Institution
Section B. Degrees Conferred
Section C. Mission
Section A. College Administration and Support Offices
Section B. President's Cabinet
Section C. Duties of President
Section D. Absence of the President
Section A. Duties of Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
Section B. Academic School
Section C. Academic Departments
Section A. Committees of the Faculty Senate
Section B. Committees of the Cabinet
Section C. Committees of the Staff Council
Section D. Committees of the President
Section E. Committee
Section A. Composition
Section B. Corps of Instruction
Section C. Faculty Representation
Section D. Academic Processions and Regalia
Section E. Faculty Meetings
Section F. Faculty Absences
Section G. Academic Freedom
Section A. Initial Appointment and Reappointment
Section B. Promotion and Tenure of Faculty
Section A. Interpretation of Statutes
Section B. Amendments to Statutes
Section C. Retention of the Power of the Board of Regents
Section D. Inconsistencies of East Georgia State College Policies with the Board
of Regents Policies
Article I. The College
Section A. Nature of the Institution
East Georgia State College (the College) is a state college within the University System of Georgia.
The College is subject to the general jurisdiction of the Board of Regents and the Chancellor of the University System and shall exercise all authority conferred upon it by the Board of Regents. The term “Board of Regents,” as used in these statutes, shall mean the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and its executive officer, the Chancellor.
Section B. Degrees Conferred
The College is authorized to confer associate degrees and baccalaureate degrees in approved academic disciplines upon candidates who have satisfied the prescribed requirements and conditions.
Section C. Mission
East Georgia State College is an associate degree granting, liberal arts institution of the University System of Georgia providing its students access to both academically transferable programs of study and collaborative programs in occupation-related fields. The College also offers targeted baccalaureate level degrees that support the University System's initiative to expand educational opportunities. The College prepares traditional and nontraditional students for success in the global 21st century through a technologically advanced teaching and learning environment that fosters personal growth by utilizing an expanding range of resources and amenities, including an on-campus student residential option. The College also continuously engages the communities it serves through public service and cultural enrichment.
Article II. Office of the President
Section A. College Administration and Support Offices
The executive officers of the College shall be the President and the senior administrative officers that report directly to the President in each of the following areas: Academic and Student Affairs, Business Affairs, Information Technology, Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel, Institutional Advancement, Police Department, Athletics, East Georgia State College - Statesboro, East Georgia State College - Augusta, Human Resources, Grants and Data Analytics, and Strategic Planning and Institutional Research. See EGSC Organizational Chart (PDF). The President has the power and discretion to appoint additional administrative officers and to modify the Organizational Chart from time to time as necessary to the effective operation of the College.
Section B. President’s Cabinet
The President’s Cabinet is responsible for establishing policies and procedures governing the management, operations, and strategic planning of the College. The Cabinet is advisory to the President and is the official policy making body in these areas at the College. Policies and procedures adopted by the Cabinet shall be maintained in the College’s Manual of Policies and Procedures as described below. The Cabinet meets at least monthly and is chaired by the President. The Cabinet consists of the following senior administrators of the College: Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Vice President for Business Affairs, Vice President for Information Technology, Director of EGSC Augusta, Director of EGSC Statesboro, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Director of Athletics, Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police, Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel, Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research, Associate Vice President for Grants and Data Analytics and Director of Human Resources. The President has the power and discretion to appoint additional cabinet members and modify the composition of the Cabinet as necessary to the effective operation of the College.
Section C. Duties of President
The President shall be elected by the Board of Regents, shall be the executive head of the institution and of all its departments, and shall exercise such supervision and direction as will promote the efficient operation of the institution. The President shall be responsible to the Chancellor for the operation and management of the institution and for the execution of all directives of the Board of Regents and the Chancellor. The President
Shall be a member of the faculty and ex officio Chair of the Faculty Senate and may preside at its meetings. The President shall be the official medium of communication between faculty and the Chancellor and between any council, senate, assembly, or other such body of the College and the Chancellor;
Shall have a suspensive veto power over all legislation of the President’s Cabinet and Faculty Senate or other legislative bodies of the College;
In addition to the standing committees described in these statutes, shall have power to appoint special committees to advise and assist in planning and administration of the College;
Shall have the power to make initial appointment of faculty members and administrative employees, establish the salary of each, approve all promotions, and make all reappointments of faculty members and administrative employees, except as otherwise specified in these Statutes;
Shall have the right and authority to grant leaves of absence and extensions of such leaves for members of the faculty for study at other institutions or for such reasons as the President may deem proper. The President shall report such leaves to the Chancellor when required by policies of the Board of Regents. The President shall obtain approval of the Chancellor or his designee whenever such approval is required by policies of the Board of Regents.
Shall accept or allow his or her designee to accept on behalf of the Board the resignation of any employee of his/her institution;
Shall coordinate the preparation of the annual budget and the annual report of the College for presentation, through the Chancellor, to the Board of Regents;
Shall have such other and further powers, duties, and responsibilities as set forth in policies and procedures of the Board of Regents.
Section D. Absence of the President
In the temporary absence of the President, the President’s function shall be exercised by the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.
Article III. Policies and Procedures
The policies and procedures of the College shall be contained in the College’s Manual of Policies and Procedures which is available on the President’s webpage and shall include, but not be limited to, the Faculty Handbook, the Employee Handbook, the Student Handbook and the Student Employment Handbook.
Article IV. Academic Administration
Section A. Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
The Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs shall be appointed by the President and shall hold office at the pleasure of the President. The Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs shall be directly responsible to the President. The duties and responsibilities of the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs are as follows:
Shall be a member of the faculty and the chief academic officer and an officer of general administration and shall have a coordinating function with the other officers of general administration;
Shall recommend to the President the appointment, reappointment, dismissal, placement, rank, promotion, tenure, and salary increases of academic personnel and shall be responsible for their development and welfare.
Shall be responsible for securing verifications of degrees and credentials for appointments and reappointment of faculty;
Shall have available detailed records for each faculty member showing educational background, training and experience. The Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs shall maintain a cumulative record of their publications, special achievements, honors, distinctions, membership in learned societies, and academic progress;
Shall submit to the President an annual report, an annual budget for the area of instruction, and activities related to instruction; and
Shall perform such other duties as the President may from time to time assign.
Section B. Academic School
An academic School is an administrative sub-unit of Academic Affairs organized for the purpose of giving instruction in one of the recognized areas of study and investigation. The School reports to the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.
One member of the faculty holding a doctorate shall be designated as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. This person holds office at the pleasure of the President. The Associate Vice President may be assigned teaching responsibilities in addition to duties as Associate Vice President as deemed necessary by the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.
The faculty of a School shall be responsible for the programs of study offered by the School. The faculty of the School shall recommend such changes and modifications in its curriculum, as may be deemed desirable. It shall advise and assist the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs in formulating and executing the educational policies of the School. The faculty of the School shall hold regular meetings. At all meetings of the School, the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (or designee) will be the presiding officer. Minutes of each meeting shall be forwarded to the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs no later than the third working day following the meeting.
All official requests, recommendations, and proposals by a School shall be addressed to the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs in writing for action or for transmittal to appropriate persons or agencies for action.
Section C. Academic Departments
The college’s School of Liberal Arts, Mathematics and Natural Sciences is comprised of three departments, including the Department of Humanities, the Department of Mathematics and Sciences, and the Department of Social Sciences and Professional Studies.
Whenever it shall appear that administrative efficiency and economy of operation require it, additional departments may be created by the President. When required by policy and procedure of the Board of Regents, the department will be reported to the Chancellor as at the time and in the manner required by policies of the Board of Regents.
Article V. Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees
Standing committees of the Faculty Senate, the Cabinet, Staff Council and the President are described below. In the case of position on a standing committee allocated by these statutes to a unit of the College, the head of the unit appoints a representative of that unit to serve on the committee. The unit head may appoint themselves as the representative of the unit to any standing committee. Ad Hoc committees of the Faculty Senate, Cabinet, Staff Council and the President are working groups that serve a specific function or goal and meet as needed to accomplish the function or goal. Ad Hoc committees, as used in this document, refer to committees that perform a specific operational function on a recurring basis, the frequency of which does not usually require a regular meeting schedule. Meeting minutes should be kept and retained by the committee on its respective EGSC webpage. Ad Hoc Committees are noted herein. (previously approved by Cabinet and Faculty Senate; inserted here for reference)
Section A: Committees of the Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate, in addition to any action taken at Faculty Senate meetings, shall carry on its business through a structure of Standing Committees. These committees shall make recommendations to the Faculty Senate. Upon adoption by the Faculty Senate, the action of the Faculty Senate is advisory to the President.
The Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate are as follows:
- Academic Policies and Curriculum Committee
- Promotion and Tenure Policy Review Committee (Ad Hoc)
- Post-Tenure Review Board (Ad Hoc)
The purposes, functions and memberships of those committees shall be as described in the Faculty Senate Bylaws. The Faculty Senate webpage, including minutes, bylaws and Code of Ethics can be found here: http://1n57.delicious-drop.com/about/president/governance/faculty-senate/index.html
The Faculty Senate may from time to time create additional subcommittees and ad hoc committees as necessary and proper to carry out its purpose.
Section B. Committees of the Cabinet.
The Cabinet, in addition to any action taken at Cabinet meetings, shall carry on its business through a structure of Standing Committees. These committees shall make recommendations to the Cabinet. Upon adoption by the Cabinet, the action of the Cabinet is advisory to the President.
The Standing Committees of the Cabinet are as follows:
- Academic and Financial Aid Appeals Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Academic Standing Appeal Committee is to review, maintain, and impose the academic standards set forth in institutional policy for academic admissions, readmissions, and continuation of enrollment. The Committee will review and render decisions for academic standing appeals. Permanent records of committee decisions for students are maintained by the Registrar.Membership:
- Chair, Associate VP for Academic Affairs or designee;
- One faculty member from each academic Department, elected by the faculty of that Department;
- Registrar or designee (ex-officio);
- Counseling and Accessibility Services representative (ex-officio);
- Student Success representative (ex-officio).
- Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Violence Prevention Committee (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The goal of the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Violence Prevention Committee is to help promote a safe and drug-free environment at East Georgia State College. The purpose and functions of the committee are to (1) determine the prevalence rates of alcohol use, drug use, and violent behavior at East Georgia State College (2) make specific recommendations to the EGSC President for interventions that are evidence-based and measurable in an effort to decrease these rates; and (3) to educate students about healthy living and to offer wellness programs and resources that highlight the connection between healthy lifestyles and academic performance. Additionally, the committee coordinates, evaluates, and ensures the institution’s efforts related to alcohol, drug abuse, and violence prevention are in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services;
- Co-chair, Dean of Students;
- Director of Housing;
- Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police;
- Director of Human Resources; and
- One faculty member elected by the faculty.
- Animal Use and Care Committee (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Animal Care and Use Committee is to review and evaluate research proposals involving non-human animal subjects submitted by institutional investigators. The function of the Animal Use and Care Committee is to help ensure that research protocols for animals meet humane and ethical standards in accordance with established research practices in the field for specific animals, and in accordance with relevant state and federal laws. The Committee may gather information as needed to properly consider proposals. The Committee renders decisions concerning animal protocols stated in research proposals and may suggest or require modifications to conform with industry standards and laws. The Committee also reviews changes in protocols introduced after implementation of the research and may review the use and care of animals during the research term. The Committee is convened only when one or more research proposals have been submitted for consideration.Membership:
- Chair, Biology Faculty Member designated by the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs;
- Business Affairs representative;
- Director of Plant Operations or designee;
- One faculty member elected by the faculty.
- One representative external to the institution, non-voting member, preferably one familiar with medical and/or research aspects of animal care and use (e.g., a veterinarian).
- Background Investigation Committee - Employment (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Background Investigation Committee (Employment) is to ensure that the college adheres to federal and state law and employment policies of the Board of Regents concerning background investigations of employees and applicants for employment. Its functions are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose and to review background investigation reports and determine the eligibility of the candidates selected for employment with the institution when questions arise.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Human Resources;
- Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel; and,
- Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police.
- Background Investigation Committee - Student
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Criminal Background Investigation Committee (Student) is to ensure that the College adheres to federal and state law and policies of the Board of Regents concerning background investigations of students and applicants for admission and readmission. Its functions are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purposes and to review background investigation reports and determine the eligibility for admission, readmission, continued enrollment, tutoring, student teaching, study abroad, and on-campus housing.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Admissions;
- Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee;
- Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel;
- Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police;
- One faculty member elected by the Faculty;
- Director of Housing; and
- Dean of Students.
- Calendar Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Calendar Committee is to review, create, maintain, and provide an inclusive and cohesive calendar reflecting significant academic and campus events for East Georgia State College for all campuses. Its functions are to recommend members, policies, and procedures as necessary to produce the most efficient and effective calendar and communication for an academic year, to plan for future academic years and events, and to make a recommendation to the President for its adoption. This committee meets at least once a semester to ensure timely and accurate planning of events and necessary changes for dissemination to the college community.Membership:
- Chair, Registrar;
- Academic Affairs representative;
- Business Affairs representative;
- Information Technology representative;
- Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations;
- Financial Aid representative;
- Admissions representative;
- Housing representative;
- Athletics representative;
- Student Life representative;
- One faculty member elected by the faculty;
- EGSC – Statesboro representative; and
- EGSC – Augusta representative.
- Campus Annual Security Report Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Campus Annual Security Report Committee is to enhance campus safety by providing comprehensive oversight, review, revision, and monitoring of the implementation of all procedures and processes related to the Clery Act; facilitating cross-campus cooperation on college efforts to comply with the Clery Act; and providing and promoting education related to campus safety and crime prevention. Its functions include reviewing and establishing appropriate protocols and subcommittees to promote compliance with the Clery Act, planning for Clery Act compliance and policy development to enhance campus safety, identifying campus security authorities, acting as a network of college stakeholders to facilitate cooperation and communication across the campus relating to Clery Act compliance, disseminate information relating to changes to the Clery Act, and to assure that policies, policy statements, procedures, and statistics included in the college’s Annual Security Report are accurate and encompass all areas of campus.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police;
- Vice Chair, Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel;
- Director of Human Resources;
- Director of Housing;
- Dean of Students; and
- Director of Title IX and Student Conduct.
- Campus Events Planning Committee (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The purpose and functions of the committee are to provide planning coordination and oversight of major campus programs and events. The committee coordinates with academic affairs and other college units and organizations to deliver memorable intellectual programs and events. For major events such as commencement, convocation and Vision Series events, the committee’s work is accomplished with the assistance of a subcommittee co-chair who provides respective expertise and experience for each such program and event. The committee recommends policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose.Membership:
- Chair, Vice President for Institutional Advancement;
- Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee;
- Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police;
- Faculty Senate representative;
- Student Affairs representative;
- IT representative;
- Library representative;
- Two faculty representatives elected by the faculty; and
- Student appointed by SGA
Academic and Student Affairs Subcommittees and Co-chairs
- Commencement - Registrar, Provost
- Convocation - Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Institutional Advancement Subcommittees and Co-chairs
- Vision Series - Vice President for Institutional Advancement; EGSC Foundation member, President
- eLearning Committee (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Distance Education and eLearning Committee is to coordinate peer evaluation of online courses as well as examine and promote best practices in learner-centered online pedagogy. Committee members will serve as an evaluation team for review of online courses using the Quality Matters rubric as the chosen instrument. The committee will also serve as a resource to the President in recommending policies and procedures necessary for the success of online courses and programs. Additionally, the committee will assist with marketing the college’s online education courses and programs, serve as a liaison to the eCore/eCampus initiative, and provide requested data related to online education for accreditation purposes.Membership:
- Chair: Director of eLearning;
- Director of CETL and Academic Assessment;
- One faculty member from each academic Department, elected by the faculty of that Department;
- Program coordinators for eMajor programs;
- Faculty member from each EGSC-Swainsboro, EGSC-Augusta, and EGSC-Statesboro, if not already represented by membership above; and
- One representative from IT.
- Dual Enrollment Committee (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Dual Enrollment committee is to assure that the Dual Enrollment Program is an effective early admission program for qualified high school students. The functions of the committee are to ensure the continual recruitment of students and high schools for the program, provide specialized enrollment services to Dual Enrollment applicants and students, maintain data about high schools in the program and Dual Enrollment student success, and recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose.Membership:
- Chair, Dual Enrollment Coordinator;
- Director of eLearning;
- Director of Admissions;
- One faculty member elected by the faculty;
- Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
- Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee;
- Business Affairs representative; and
- External Campus representative.
- Financial Aid Appeal Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Financial Aid Appeal Committee is to review, maintain, and abide by standards set forth by Federal and State regulations and Institutional policy for the award and administration of student financial aid (excluding scholarships) of students who are not making Satisfactory Academic Progress in their program. The committee’s functions are to review standards annually and recommend policy and procedural changes as needed. The Financial Aid Appeal Committee reviews appeals from students whose financial aid has been denied, modified or withdrawn due to circumstances which impeded on the successful completion of their academic progress. Permanent records of committee decisions for students are maintained by the Registrar.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Financial Aid or designee;
- One faculty member from each academic Department, elected by the faculty of that Department;
- Business Affairs representative (ex-officio);
- Registrar or designee (ex-officio);
- Counseling and Accessibility Services representative (ex-officio);
- Student Success representative (ex-officio).
- Housing Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Housing Committee is to ensure that on-campus housing provided for students promotes an excellent learning environment at the College. Its functions are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purposes, provide representation, guidance, oversight and information dissemination to the College as a whole concerning the College’s housing program, and make recommendations concerning long range planning, program expansion and budgetary allocations. A subcommittee of the Housing Committee reviews and decides student appeals of the housing agreement cancellation fee.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Housing;
- Student Affairs representative;
- Business Affairs representative;
- Plant Operations representative;
- Athletics department representative;
- Student Conduct representative;
- One faculty member elected by the faculty; and,
- One student appointed by the current housing residents.
- Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Purposes and Functions: The purpose of the Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Committee is to foster the College’s continuous institutional improvement processes. These processes will encompass strategic planning, to include enterprise risk management analysis and action planning; both academic program and administrative unit assessment; review of compliance with SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation; and comprehensive program review (CPR) and reporting. The committee’s functions are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose and recommend means for evaluating achievement.
- Chair, SACSCOC Institutional Liaison
Academic Subcommittee
- Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
- Associate Vice President for Grants and Data Analytics;
- Department Chairs;
- One Faculty Senate representative selected by full-time faculty
Administrative Subcommittee
- Business Affairs (BA) representative appointed by the Vice President for BA
- Information Technology (IT) representative appointed by the Vice President for IT
- Institutional Advancement (IA) representative appointed by the Vice President for IA
- Student Affairs representative; appointed by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
- Director of EGSC Augusta
- Director of EGSC Statesboro
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Subcommittee
- Business Affairs (BA) representative appointed by the Vice President for BA
- Information Technology (IT) representative appointed by the Vice President for IT
- Student Affairs representative; appointed by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
- Institutional Advancement (IA) representative appointed by the Vice President for IA
- Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
The ERM Subcommittee submits its analyses and recommendations in the form of a draft risk mitigation plan to the EGSC Cabinet ERM Steering Committee listed below for revision and adoption. The initial approved risk mitigation plan is submitted to the USG Director of ERM by October 28, 2022. The ERM Subcommittee then monitors how the risks are changing on a quarterly basis and documents changes.
- Strategic – Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research
- Compliance – Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel
- Reputational – Vice President for Institutional Advancement
- Financial – Vice President for Business Affairs
- Operational – Vice President for Information Technology
- Institutional Review Board (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to review and evaluate requests by third-party principal investigators to the institution and/or its students for participation in scholarly research studies involving human subjects. The functions of the IRB are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose, and to review the requests to participate, gather additional information as needed to properly consider such request, and render decisions on participation. The Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research will serve as chair of the IRB in a non-voting administrative capacity whose functions are to facilitate the updating of IRB policy and procedures and the completion of each review process. Four tenured or tenure track faculty members, one each from the humanities, social science, natural science, and mathematics disciplines, are selected by their peers to serve three-year terms, with vacancies to be filled by a vote of the faculty within appropriate disciplines. In addition, there will be one external representative from the community on EGSC’s IRB to be appointed by the chair to a three-year term subject to the approval of IRB faculty members.
- Chair, Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research;
- Three faculty members drawn from the pool of tenured and tenure track faculty reviewers; and
- One representative external to the institution, non-voting, member.
- Library Committee (Ad Hoc)
Purposes and Functions: The purpose of the Library Committee is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Library Director, act as a liaison between East Georgia State College faculty and the library, and to provide a faculty perspective on library budgetary matters. Its functions are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose, make recommendations concerning collection development, foster communication with the rest of campus regarding the library’s goals and objectives, and guide the general direction for the development of all library resources.Membership:
- Chair: Library Director;
- Librarian;
- One faculty member from each academic Department, elected by the faculty of that Department;
- In the event that all sites are not represented, an additional representative will be nominated by the faculty at-large from the site lacking representation;
- One staff member from EGSC Augusta or EGC Statesboro ACE, selected by the Chair.
- Military Friendly Campus Committee (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Military Friendly Campus Committee is to promote and maintain a military friendly atmosphere for all military personnel at EGSC. Its functions are to and create and implement targeted strategies for registration, advisement, and academic support of military students, to maintain data on military students, to provide on campus events for military students, to foster relationships with military organizations in support of military students, to maintain the college’s military friendly status and to recommend and update policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose.Membership:
- Chair, Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee;
- Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
- Student Affairs representative;
- Registrar’s Office representative;
- Financial Aid Office representative;
- Admissions Office representative;
- Student Success representative;
- Business Affairs – Tuition Assistance representative;
- Military Academic Advisor from each campus; and
- One military veteran student or military dependent student.
- Prior Learning Assessment Committee (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The purpose and functions of the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) committee is to review and approve any request for credit awarded through review of equivalencies listed in the ACE National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training and/or a joint military services or ACE transcript, may also determine course equivalency for a select list of military and workforce experiences that meet EGSC policy criteria and consult faculty in the appropriate disciplines, as appropriate, when credit may be awarded through PLA for a course in their discipline. The PLA committee will annually review the record of credits awarded through PLA and make recommendations for the review of the policies, procedures, and award of credit, where deemed necessary.Membership:
- Chair, Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee;
- Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
- One faculty member from each academic Department, elected by the faculty of that Department;
- Admissions Office representative;
- Registrar’s Office representative;
- Student Success representative; and
- Adult Learner coordinator.
- Scholarship Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to formulate and maintain standards for the award and administration of scholarships as necessary to maintain an excellent learning environment. Its functions are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose, evaluate applications received for scholarships based on scholarship criteria recommended by the committee, and make scholarship awards.Membership:
- Chair, VP for Institutional Advancement or designee;
- Financial Aid representative;
- Academic Affairs representative;
- Business Affairs representative;
- Student Affairs representative; and
- One faculty member elected by the Faculty.
- Section 508 Compliance Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose and functions of the Section 508 Compliance Committee are to review and evaluate the development, procurement, maintenance and use of electronic and information technology to ensure that it is accessible to the public and to individuals with disabilities in compliance with Section 508 standards. The purpose and function of the committee is to recommend training and provide resources to all campus and recommend policies and procedures as necessary to accomplish this purpose.Membership:
- Chair, Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs;
- Director of eLearning;
- Director of Counseling and Disability Services;
- IT and Creative Services Specialist;
- Legal Counsel/Chief of Staff;
- Business Affairs representative; and
- Two faculty appointed by the Chair.
- Student Affairs Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Student Affairs Committee is to promote and maintain the welfare of the student body and effective and desirable faculty-student relations. Its functions are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose and to develop the annual student activity budget as submitted to the Board of Regents.Membership:
- Chair, Dean of Students;
- Three Student Affairs Staff members appointed by the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs;
- One faculty member from each campus elected by the faculty; and,
- Three students appointed by the Student Government Association.
- Student Fee Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the committee is to ensure that all “mandatory student fees are used exclusively to support the institution’s mission to enrich the educational, institutional, and cultural experience of students." The functions of the committee are to provide advice and counsel to the president on any institution proposals to increase mandatory fees, establish new mandatory fees, or change the purpose of an existing mandatory fee and to review the proposed budgets and make recommendations to the president regarding the adoption of the budgets.Membership: (The committee must be comprised of at least fifty percent students and include a minimum of four students):
- Chair, Dean of Students;
- Four students selected by the Student Government Association in consultation with the Dean of Students;
- Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee;
- Vice President for Business Affairs or designee; and
- One faculty member elected by Faculty.
- Student Loan Default Rate Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Student Loan Default Rate Committee is to regularly monitor the college’s default rate and keep the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the President advised concerning that rate. The committee will adopt a proposed Student Loan Default Rate Plan designed to reduce the college’s default rate and to maintain that rate at an appropriate level. The function of the committee is to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose. The committee will keep the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the President informed about action being taken to achieve the goals in the approved Student Loan Default Rate Plan.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Financial Aid;
- Assistant Director of Financial Aid;
- Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee;
- Business Affairs representative; and
- Academic Affairs representative.
- Student Success Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the committee is to support all initiatives to identify students at risk of not making academic progress toward their degree and to implement responsive measures to facilitate their academic success and to implement measures designed to foster student retention and graduation. The functions of the committee are to implement intrusive early intervention for students presenting indications of likely failure to make academic progress; to identify students failing to make academic progress but likely to be candidates for academic support services and inform them about and encourage them to use the available services; to maintain data about students not making academic progress to enable the college to better analyze and address the likely factors contributing to such failure to make reach their academic goals; to implement advising, registration and academic support guidelines for such students with the goal of retention and graduation; and to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose and to continuously improve the college’s response in support of these students.The Student Success Committee may from time to time create ad hoc subcommittees and/or task forces as necessary to carry out its purpose.
- Chair, Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs;
- Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
- Associate Vice President for Grants and Data Analytics;
- Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research;
- Director of Admissions;
- Director of Student Success;
- Dean of Students; and
- One faculty member elected by the faculty.
- Textbook Purchasing Committee (Ad Hoc)
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Textbook Purchasing Committee is to coordinate with all stakeholders, including members of the faculty and staff, the academic school, and the college libraries and bookstores, to reduce the cost of textbooks for students. The functions of the committee are to explore ways to more effectively use technology in place of textbooks, alternatives to traditional textbooks, Open Educational Resources (OER), and changes to textbook purchasing policies and procedures to lower the cost of student textbooks and course materials. The function of the committee is to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose.Membership:
- Co-chair, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
- Co-chair, Library Director;
- One faculty member from each academic Department, elected by the faculty of that Department;
- Administrative Assistant from Academic Affairs;
- Manager of EGSC Bookstore—non-voting member.
- Title IX Implementation and Oversight Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Title IX Implementation and Oversight Committee is to review, implement and monitor the college’s compliance with Title IX regulations. The functions of the committee are to evaluate, implement and monitor employee and student Title IX training, education and awareness programs and to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Student Conduct and Title IX Coordinator;
- Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel;
- Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee;
- Title IX Investigator, selected by the Chair;
- Director of Housing;
- Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police;
- Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services;
- Dean of Students; and
- Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research.
- Wellness Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Wellness Committee is to raise awareness of healthy lifestyles choices for employees. Its functions are to educate and inform the campus community about healthy living and to offer programs and resources that highlight the benefits of healthy living and overall wellness, and to recommend policies and procedures as necessary to accomplish its purpose.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Human Resources;
- Wellbeing Liaison, Assistant Director of Human Resources;
- One faculty member elected by the Faculty;
- Institutional Advancement representative;
- Director of Athletics;
- Information Technology representative;
- Assistant Director of Financial Aid/Staff Council representative;
- Assistant Director of Student Success; and
- Student Success Coach / Wellness Champion.
- Academic and Financial Aid Appeals Committee
The Cabinet may from time to time create additional subcommittees or ad hoc committees as necessary and proper to carry out its purposes.
Section C. Committees of the Staff Council.
The Staff Council, in addition to any action taken at Staff Council meetings, shall carry on its business through a structure of Standing Committees. The committees shall make recommendations to the Staff Council. Upon adoption by the Staff Council, the action of the Staff Council is advisory to the President.
The Standing Committees of the Staff Council are as follows:
- EGSC Spirit Committee
- Sunshine Fund Committee
- Special Events Committee
- Committee on Elections
The purposes, functions and memberships of these committees shall be as described in the Staff Council Bylaws. http://1n57.delicious-drop.com/about/president/governance/staff-council.html
The Staff Council may create additional ad hoc committees as necessary to carry out its purpose.
Section D. Committees of the President.
The Standing Committees of the President are as follows:
- Behavioral Recommendation Team
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Behavioral Recommendation Team (BRT) is to provide support and behavioral response to students, faculty and staff displaying varying levels of concerning behaviors indicative of a non-emergency mental health crisis. The BRT is not intended to resolve workplace disputes or disruptive classroom situations which, standing alone, do not present a threat of imminent harm to faculty, staff or students and which may be resolved by normal supervisory controls, use of conflict resolution, or the Student Conduct Officer. The function of the BRT is to review reported cases and coordinate internal and external resources to develop an action plan for the student, faculty or staff. Additionally, the BRT will monitor the progress of the student, faculty or staff throughout the action plan. The function of the committee is to review and recommend related policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose and to make recommendations to the appropriate resource departments on campus about action to be taken in specific cases to improve the behavioral outcome of the faculty, staff or student.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services;
- Dean of Students or designee;
- Academic Affairs representative;
- Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel;
- Director, EGSC – Augusta
- Director, EGSC – Statesboro;
- Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police;
- Housing representative; and
- One faculty member elected by the Faculty.
- Emergency Response Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Emergency Response Committee is to safeguard the college community and College by the establishment of procedures for communication, command-and-control, effective coordination and use of institution and community resources, in response to an actual or potential threat, disaster, or hazardous event including potential weather closures, active shooters, influenza outbreak or other campus emergency. The functions of the committee are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose, to initiate an Operations Continuity plan for all College operations in response to a campus emergency, and to participate in regular emergency response trainings and drills.Membership:
- Chair, President;
- Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs;
- Vice President for Business Affairs;
- Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel;
- Vice President for Information Technology;
- Director of Dining Operations;
- Director of Plant Operations;
- Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services;
- Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police;
- Director of Housing;
- Director of Athletics;
- Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
- Director, EGSC - Augusta; and
- Director, EGSC – Statesboro.
- Board of Review
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Board of Review shall be to provide a formal method for resolving workplace disputes involving one or more of the college’s employees including student employees, faculty members, and staff members. The grievance procedure is designed to be used only when the employee’s resort to first- and second-line supervisors has failed to resolve the conflict. If the parties to the dispute have elected to use conflict resolution, the grievance policy shall not be used to resolve the dispute unless the conflict resolution process has been completed and the parties have failed to accept the outcome of that process.The functions of the Board are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose and to hear disputes and to recommend a resolution of those disputes to the President.
The Board will consider disputes under the circumstances defined in the “Employee Grievance Policy” for faculty, staff and student employees, and the “Dismissals, Demotions and Suspensions Policy” for staff, as stated in the Board of Regents Human Resource Administrative Practice Manual. A grievance will not be available to dispute student matters outside the employment relationship, promotion and tenure decisions, non-renewal of contracts, performance evaluations, hiring decisions, classification appeals, challenges to salary decisions, challenges to transfers or reassignments, termination or layoff because of lack of work or elimination of position, investigations or decisions reached under the EGSC Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy or the EGSC Sexual Misconduct Policy, and normal supervisory counseling.
Membership: Annually, the Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected by the Faculty. In addition, the President shall annually appoint one faculty member and two staff members. Members of the standing committee will serve a three year term. For each grievance filed, a Board consisting of three panel members will be selected from the standing committee as described in the EGSC Employee Grievance Policy.
- Study Abroad Committee
Purpose and Functions: The purpose of the Study Abroad Committee is to promote artistic, intellectual, personal, and cultural growth of students and faculty at the College through the study abroad experience. This may be accomplished by establishing new study abroad programs, renewing existing programs, and supporting other programs within the University System of Georgia. The Committee’s primary functions are to review policies and procedures of the College regarding study abroad and make recommendations as necessary to accomplish its purpose, review approval requests for new study abroad programs of the College, evaluate existing programs, and coordinate with the Director of Study Abroad to make recommendations to the President regarding matters involving study abroad.Membership:
- Chair, Director of Study Abroad;
- One faculty member from each academic Department, elected by the faculty of that Department;
- One representative from Academic Affairs;
- One representative from Student Affairs;
- One representative from Business Affairs; and
- One representative from Institutional Advancement.
- Behavioral Recommendation Team
Section E. Minutes.
Minutes or works of each standing committee meeting will be kept, distributed and posted on each standing committee’s webpage.
Article VI. Faculty
Section A. Composition
In addition to the Corps of Instruction, faculty shall consist of the President of the institution and those full-time administrative officers holding proper academic credentials and designated as having ex-officio faculty status. Recommendations for teaching faculty positions shall originate with the Department Chairs and shall be presented to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs for consideration and approval before being submitted to the President for approval. All initial appointments, reappointments, promotions, and tenure to the Corps of Instruction shall be recommended by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and approved by the President. Persons holding adjunct appointments or other honorary titles shall not be considered to be members of the faculty.
Section B. Corps of Instruction.
Full-time professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, senior lecturers, lecturers, part-time instructors and teaching personnel with such other titles as may be approved by the President shall be the Corps of Instruction.
Section C. Faculty Representation.
The faculty shall be represented by a Faculty Senate, which shall be formed by the Faculty Senate Bylaws approved by a vote of at least a majority of the faculty and by the President. The Faculty Senate shall, subject to the approval of the President:
- Make policies and procedures for its own governance;
- In addition to any standing committees established by these statutes, create such additional committees as may be required to accomplish its purpose;
- Recommend policies and procedures regarding admission, student conduct, academic honesty, suspension of students, expulsion of students, classes, courses of study, and requirements for graduation; and,
- Recommend policies and procedures as may be necessary or proper for the maintenance of high educational standards.
The Faculty Senate shall also have primary responsibility for those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process.
All policies and procedures are, as required by policies of the Board of Regents, subject to the approval of the President of the institution.
Section D. Academic Processions and Regalia
Members of the faculty are expected to attend all formal academic exercises of the College. Absences from formal academic exercises must be approved by the President of the College or his/her designee.
Section E. Faculty Meetings
In addition to any meetings of the Faculty Senate as may be required by its Bylaws, there shall be at least one general meeting of the faculty each fall and spring semester. Further, the President or the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs may from time to time call general meetings of the faculty (as defined above). All faculty members shall be in attendance at any general faculty meeting unless excused by the President or his/her designee. Part-time instructors may attend these general faculty meetings, but their attendance is not mandatory.
Section F. Faculty Absences
Faculty members shall report for each academic semester on the date and the time published by the College. Only extreme emergencies are considered as valid excuses for not reporting on time. The Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs must be notified as soon as possible, and in turn, will immediately notify the President. Faculty members are expected to meet all classes without fail. When a faculty member must be absent, for whatever reason, the faculty member shall notify their Department Chair to make arrangements to ensure that classes are met. The Department Chairs shall keep records of the absences and documentation of how the affected classes were able to be covered.
Section G. Academic Freedom
As a public system of higher education, EGSC is committed to protecting the academic freedom rights of faculty and students in teaching, research, publishing, and other academic activities. EGSC must vigorously promote the open exchange of ideas and protect academic freedom on campus.
EGSC values diversity of intellectual thought and expression for all. While faculty and students must be encouraged to exercise their rights to academic freedom, they must also understand that, along with those rights comes the responsibility to respect the individuality and beliefs of all. Members of the EGSC community should always seek to foster and defend intellectual honesty, freedom of inquiry, and instruction on and off campus.
Academic freedom is a bedrock of higher education, but it is not unlimited. Faculty academic freedom extends only to classroom material and discussions, research, publications, and other academic activities that are germane to the subject matter being taught, researched, written about, or presented. Faculty members must be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matters that have no relation to their subject.
Students should be provided an environment conducive to learning, be free from faculty or institutional coercion to make personal political or social choices, and be evaluated based on their academic performance, not factors that are irrelevant to that performance such as their personal beliefs. Similarly, faculty and staff have the right to be unburdened by irrelevant factors such as ideological tests, affirmations, and oaths, and should instead be hired and evaluated based on relevant factors such as their achievement and the success of students.
Finally, faculty hold a special position in the community that carries both privileges and obligations. Because faculty are scholars and educators, the public may judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Therefore, faculty should always strive to be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, show respect for the opinions of others, and make every effort when they are expressing their personal opinions to indicate that they are speaking for themselves as private citizens rather than on behalf of their institution. Personal written utterances from members of the faculty to public officials, editors, or others shall not be written on College stationery. No mention of rank or College affiliation should be made.
This commitment to protecting the academic freedom rights of all faculty and students, as well as ensuring that all faculty and students respect the academic freedom rights of others, is crucial to EGSC’s mission of providing the best educational opportunities to all.
If a student believes that a professor has violated this policy, the student should first try to address the problem directly with the professor. If the student and professor cannot resolve the problem themselves, the student should appeal in writing to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs within five days of the incident. If the student is dissatisfied with the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs decision, he or she may appeal to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs within five days of receiving the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs’ decision. And if the student is dissatisfied with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs’ decision, he or she may appeal to the President within five days of receiving the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs’ decision. A student may also utilize the ethics hotline, Bobcat Growl, or the “Report Free Speech and Censorship Concerns” link located on the 1n57.delicious-drop.com homepage.
Article VII. Faculty Appointment, Tenure, and Promotion
Section A. Initial Appointment and Reappointment
All appointments and reappointments of faculty and staff shall be made by the President.
Recommendations to positions on the academic faculty shall originate with the Department Chair and shall be presented to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs for transmission with the vice-president’s recommendations to the President.
The President shall notify the Chancellor of the Board of Regents of all promotion and tenure as may be required by the policies and procedures of the Board of Regents.
Consistent with Board of Regent’s Policy, the minimum employment qualifications for faculty shall be to
- Meet the requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges for institutional accreditation;
- Show evidence of ability as a teacher. All applicants for both full and part-time instructional positions will provide a teaching demonstration as part of the interview process;
- Show evidence of ability and activity in research, scholarship and/or creative activity and in all other duties as assigned;
- Show successful experience (this may be waived in the case of those just entering the academic profession who meet all other requirements); and
- Show desirable personal qualities judged on the basis of personal interview, complete biographical data, and recommendations.
Every faculty appointment shall be made on the basis of merit and the special fitness of the individual for the specific position and on other qualifications as set forth in the policies of the Board of Regents.
Section B. Promotion and Tenure of Faculty
Recommendations for promotion and tenure shall originate with the School and shall be presented to the Promotion and Tenure Review Committee of each School. This Committee’s recommendation is forwarded to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs for transmission with the Vice President’s recommendations to the President. The policies concerning tenure at East Georgia State College shall be consistent with the regulations of the University System of Georgia as approved and published in the policies of the Board of Regents.
The East Georgia State College Promotion and Tenure Policy is located in the East Georgia State College Faculty Handbook: http://1n57.delicious-drop.com/about/at-a-glance/policies-and-procedures-of-the-college/03-promotion-and-tenure-policy.html
Article VIII. Termination of Employment
All appointments and terminations of staff shall be made by the head of the unit of the staff member subject to the approval of the President.
Discipline and Removal of Faculty Members
The president of the college may at any time remove any faculty member or other employee of the college for cause. Cause shall include willful or intentional violation of the policies of the Board of Regents, the policies of East Georgia State College or the approved statutes of East Georgia State College. Further causes or grounds for dismissal are set forth in the tenure regulations of the policies of the Board of Regents and in the approved statutes of the college.
Grounds for Removal
A tenured or non-tenured faculty member may be dismissed before the end of his/her contract term for any of the following reasons, provided that the college has complied with procedural due process requirements:
- Conviction or admission of guilt of a felony or of a crime involving moral turpitude during the period of employment or prior thereto if the conviction or admission of guilt was willfully concealed.
- Professional incompetency, neglect of duty, or default of academic integrity in teaching, in research, or in scholarship.
- Unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, use or possession of marijuana, a controlled substance, or other illegal or dangerous drugs as defined by Georgia laws; teaching or working under the influence of alcohol which interferes with the faculty member’s performance of duty or his/her responsibilities to the institution or to his/her profession.
- Conviction or admission of guilt in a court proceeding of any criminal drug offense.
- Physical or mental incompetency as determined by law or by a medical board of three (3) or more licensed physicians and reviewed by a committee of the faculty.
- False swearing with respect to official documents filed with the institution.
- Disruption of any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service or other authorized activity.
- Such other grounds for dismissal as may be specified in the Statutes of the college.
As provided in Article X of these Statutes, a complete copy of the Board of Regents Policy Discipline and Removal of Faculty Members, Grounds for Removal, Procedures for Dismissal, containing the due process provisions), Dismissal of Temporary, Limited Term of Part-time Instructional Personnel and Suspension for Violation of State or Federal Law is found at the following link: http://www.usg.edu/policymanual/section8/C245/#p8.3.9_discipline_and_removal_of_faculty_members
Temporary or part-time personnel serving without a written contract hold their employment at the pleasure of the President, or Chief Academic Officer, or their immediate supervisor, any one of whom may discontinue the employment of such employees without cause or advance notice.
Article IX. General Provisions
Section A. Interpretation of Statutes
All questions of interpretation of these statutes and questions of the nature and extent of their jurisdiction shall be determined by the President. The President shall settle all questions or conflict of jurisdiction that may arise between any of the legislative bodies of the College or between them and the administrative officers or the various councils or committees. From the decision of the President on such questions, an appeal may be made to the Board of Regents whenever such as appeal is allowed by the policies of the Board of Regents. If such an appeal is not provided by policies of the Board of Regents, the decision of the President shall be final.
Section B. Amendments to Statutes
Amendments to these statutes may be proposed by the Faculty Senate or the Cabinet. A proposed amendment by one of these bodies shall be effective if ratified by a majority of the other body and approved by the President.
Section C. Retention of the Power of the Board of Regents
The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia retains the power to modify, amend, or repeal these statutes in any respect.
These statutes are subject to the by-laws and policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, and any provision in conflict therewith shall be null and void.
Section D. Inconsistencies of East Georgia State College Policies with the Board of Regents Policies
All rules, regulations, and statutes heretofore adopted but inconsistent with these statutes are hereby declared to be null and void.